Prof. Bernd Thomsen is a strategic future economist and CEO.

Bernd is a management consultant, strategist, and one of the world’s top future experts. He was elected "Global Innovation Expert No.1", is a Spiegel best-selling author, and internationally sought-after keynote speaker.

Ben, as Prof. Thomsen is often called (especially in the USA and India), loves open-minded people and blue skies. He particularly appreciates the blue skies of Miami, where his two youngest children were born. He enjoys world travel and collects espresso cups to commemorate each new experience. Bernd prefers international metropolises such as New York, where he can enjoy a run through Central Park much like he does along Hamburg’s Alster: A morning routine he practices nearly every Monday and Wednesday. He established a foundation in 1999, which helps abused children. His philanthropy extends to the Projects of his employees, e.g. Reach Out Cameroon. Since Richard v. Weizsäcker, Bernd has been selecting highly gifted scholarship recipients for the Federal Republic of Germany. When characterized as a philanthropist, he refers to "people who do much more for other people." Together with his young daughter, he authors the Handelsblatt's “Zukunftskolumne” (Future Column). Through this outlet, they regularly glimpse into the future together. She was only three years old when our CEO began answering her probing questions within the pages of business and financial newspaper, of which he is an expert advisor.
As a published author, one of his latest works focuses on Social Credit Systems as they pertain to the world-changing triad of "Political Systems", "Economic Systems", and "Digital Systems". His upcoming book explores the future of democracy, a topic which required 3 years of research across 30+ countries. His latest book deals with the future of democracy, for which he spent 5 years researching in 39 countries. It became a Spiegel bestseller just three days after publication. In 2025, the book "Quality Economy" was published together with three other editors, whose technical term he developed and whose content he was instrumental in shaping. This edited work contains contributions and interviews with important personalities.
He teaches as a Professor of Transformation at universities in Asia and Europe. In a nutshell: he enjoys sharing his extensive knowledge, whether it be in the form of lectures, publications, or tweets. (The best place to follow him is Linkedin!).

Bernd still personally accompanies selected mandates of our group. He is a perfectionist at heart (while annoying at times, his colleagues understand the necessity of his standards). Nevertheless, he remains focused on the broader strategic picture. He developed our company's vision for growth, which prioritizes qualitative aspects over quantitative parameters. In his own words: “I want to make a difference, not work for assholes.” Within our organization, this stands true – for each of us. To Bernd, culture is more important than cash. When he returns from his travels, he shares stories of his latest experiences - from wild Michelin star restaurants to solid currywurst stands. And, without fail, there’s always a sparkle in his eye.
Over the past decades, Bernd has predicted global economic developments, social changes, and emerging industries, many of which exist today.Together with colleagues, he has brought to life more than 300 successful innovations as well as countless everyday tools. Always he stresses the importance of asking questions that no one else is likely to ask. Wherever THOMSEN GROUP goes, there will always be a trace of Bernd Thomsen. That’s what makes our firm so unique.

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